Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Service Plans for April 31st

Our plan is to finish up the letter for Gilder Lerman and try to move on to the grant, if possible with the help Of Ms.Klose. Then we are trying to put all the idea's for the school store together and try to lose all the dumb idea's and add up the amount to see how much it will cost.

The school store can be a possible thing to have because one already exist, its ina nice area and we believe it can be done. Now the survival guilde will take a while because the group is compose of people who plays around to much and Wich I believe to not have any sense of leadership. Our group is sorta distorted and frustrating. So what ever they dont get done we have to or we can chose not to and just laugh!!!

Service learning Reflection #3

In our service learning to members left the group because they decided that the group is stupid and the leader is to. I probaly agree to because the leader of our group I believe do not know what he is doing and we are getting no where. So we splitted the groups into three, one works on the survival guilde, another works on the school store and my group was to make a grant and letter to Gilder Lerman.

Every one has work to show but not yet shown and observe by the group due to time. We was in the middle quiet reserach and brain storming in the school store group and survival guilde. My group was especially easy because we decided to write a letter first because it was easier and nobody didn't know how to write a grant. Then we went our seperate ways and began to work.

Survival Guilde

School Store

Grant And Letter
Ashlee Kalfasx

Friday, April 25, 2008

Service Learning plans for April 25th

Today we are going to work for our school store and work to see if we can get a grant and what we stock in our store's. Then we can see who can work in the store and who is in charge of the store money and supplies. We are also going to pick area where the store is going to be at and so on.

we will see for today.

Service Learning Reflection #2

In my service learning we agreed to make Ashley Kalfas to be our new team captain. She has great leadership skills and she is in school counsel so she has more out look on what's actually going on. We are deciding to create a school store to help the students needs. Such as t-shirts, food and school supplies.

We all sat in a circle on the floor discussing on what we should do. We decided to make Ashley to be the new captain because Juliene was abcent and we decided to stick with her because it was less confusing when Juliene was in. Juliene made it confusing and frustrating so I was annoyed and stayed quiet because we did not have idea why we was there until we changed captains.

We was going to see if we can make a student lounge but the idea was already based on another group so we was upset. We did have an idea of making a survival guiede for freshman's so that future freshmans would not be lossed. This will give the freshmans a nice jump, but we like the school store idea better. Miss Swedgick wrote down all the ideas we have given, so our idea'd was documented.

Now that we have a new leader we are set!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Plan's for Service Learning this April 17th

My plan today is to try and swich to a new group, the nhd documentary on how to work it. For now i am trying to catch up on what's happening and try to help as much as i can because me and David has the most expireince. So for now were design a scropt.

Service Learning Reflection

My service learning was annoying because we get nothing done and I was frustrated on who is the team captain. To much crapp that can't be resolve a group that is highly fondof each other so much as fun then work. The only thing I like about the group was that we came up with a survival guide that can help freshman survive the life of a constition high student. I wanted to work on that but Every thing else is stupid like a studentlounge it sounds ok but we should start low first get something that can be done in the short amount time we have. It takes to long to try and get this all done by the end of the year especiall y the money issue. The lounge it self isnt full proof and that it doesnt insure that it provides peer mediating.