Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Service Plans for April 31st

Our plan is to finish up the letter for Gilder Lerman and try to move on to the grant, if possible with the help Of Ms.Klose. Then we are trying to put all the idea's for the school store together and try to lose all the dumb idea's and add up the amount to see how much it will cost.

The school store can be a possible thing to have because one already exist, its ina nice area and we believe it can be done. Now the survival guilde will take a while because the group is compose of people who plays around to much and Wich I believe to not have any sense of leadership. Our group is sorta distorted and frustrating. So what ever they dont get done we have to or we can chose not to and just laugh!!!


Blogger Juliene said...

Dude you only have like 4 posts. You need to have just a bit more. I don't have any complains about your group at all. You get your work done and don't really cause problems. I do however want to mention your music. Ms. Sedgewick doesn't really want to argue or punish anyone so she says you can play your music, but she doesn't realy mean it. She feels that you take advantage of her good nature and all that. I personally don't care about your music, but it's a school rule that she has to take your electronics and I want you to just like keep your music to yourself and off. I know I sound like an asshole, but I have to be in order to keep everything together.

May 15, 2008 at 6:18 AM  

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